Book 1983 Diehl, Richard A.

Central Mexico PostclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
Diehl writes, 'This book is about the ancient Toltecs and their capital of Tula in central Mexico….[I]t is more a general synthesis of what we know about the Toltecs than a specifically project-oriented work…. [O]ur project was a very broadly conceiv...

The physical setting
essay 1989 Diehl, Richard A.

Central Mexico PostclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
Based primarily on the works of Cook (1949), Segerstrom (1962), and González Quintero (1968), this paper presents a description of the physical environment of the Tula region, with specific information on topography and geology, soils, climate, veget...

Previous investigations at Tula
essay 1989 Diehl, Richard A.

Central Mexico PostclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
In this article Diehl discusses the history of archaeological research at the site of Tula, with emphasis on the investigations of Désiré Charnay and Jorge Acosta, as the basis for the accumulation of a body of knowledge that would ultimately lead to...

Overview of the University of Missouri Tula archaeological project
essay 1989 Diehl, Richard A.

Central Mexico PostclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
This paper presents an overview of the archaeological research program of the University of Missouri in doing field work at the postclassic site of Tula in Mexico. Diehl, who was a member of the research team, describes the initial goals of the resea...

The Olmecs
book chapter 2004 Diehl, Richard A.

OlmecMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
Diehl provides a current synthesis of archaeological evidence and scholarship on the Olmec. Beyond the portions describing in detail the sequential development and importance of the urban centers of Olmec culture, San Lorenzo and La Venta, Diehl also...

The archaeology of San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán
Book 1980 Coe, Michael D. & Diehl, Richard A.

OlmecMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
This detailed site report for San Lorenzo is the singular, seminal reference of its kind for the Olmec heartland. Coe and Diehl consider only the Early Formative period San Lorenzo phase to be truly 'Olmec' (3150 B.P.-2900 B.P); certainly the peak of...

book chapter 1980 Coe, Michael D. & Diehl, Richard A.

OlmecMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
This is the bibliography for Documents 45, 46 and 47....

The ecological background
book chapter 1980 Coe, Michael D. & Diehl, Richard A.

OlmecMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
Coe and Diehl summarize the modern climate, vegetation and soils for the Río Coatzacoalcos Basin, the location of the Early Formative period Olmec center of San Lorenzo. Topography and geology are noted where relevant to those variables. Particular a...

Human ecology and Olmec civilization
book chapter 1980 Coe, Michael D. & Diehl, Richard A.

OlmecMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
Beginning with a review of cultural precedent, and of the environmental factors for the Río Coatzacoalcos Basin as presented in Coe: 1980 (Document 45), Coe and Diehl proceed to calculate carrying capacity of the region for the height of Olmec occupa...

Potters in the land of the Olmec
book chapter 1980 Coe, Michael D. et al.

OlmecMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
In this work, written by Paula Krotser, Coe and Diehl present a modern ethnographic study of indigenous pottery making techniques in the Río Coatzacoalcos Basin, that are potentially comparable to techniques used at the time of the Olmec occupation o...

Synthesis and conclusions
essay 1989 Healan, Dan M. et al.

Central Mexico PostclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
This is primarily an historical reconstruction of data relevant to the origins and development of urbanism at the postclassic city of Tula in Mexico based in part on the authors' excavations at the El Corral Locality and Canal Locality sites. Major t...